Sugar house of John Sanderson (then William Andrus).505 Windham Hill Road, West Townshend, up in the maple grove (to the northwest of the house) No longer extant. Note: Brick chimney is considered unusual in a sugar house. Compare to sugar house on adjacent property to the north (Dick Jackson) .
Category: Buildings, Farms & Farm Life
Standing at back: Mrs. Lina (Howe) Gale
Back Row: George Gale, Dr. George Gale, Harold Gale? Abram “Fred” Howe”? Raymond Howe? Eva Howe? Mrs. Addie (Clark) Howe, Abram Howe, Sr.
Front Row: Arthur Howe? Ralph Howe? Emonica (Sp?) Burbee, unknown woman, unknown boy (possibly Robert Gale?? who was adopted), unknown woman on chair.
Category: Farms & Farm Life, People
Frederick Stiene (1873-1953) At General Fletcher House, With McConnel boys Matt and Steve with hay cart
Category: Farms & Farm Life, People
Barn historical sites farms farm life
Category: Farms & Farm Life
Holt farm circa 1891 historical sites farms farm life
Category: Farms & Farm Life
Mapledellites hunting deer historical sites farms farm life
Category: Farms & Farm Life
Irv Bills’ Sugar house
maple sugar syrup historical sites farms farm life
Category: Animals, Farms & Farm Life, People
Barn yard kids historical sites farms farm life
Category: Farms & Farm Life
Howe farm Windham Hill historical sites farms farm life
Category: Farms & Farm Life
Old farm landscape historical sites farms farm life
Category: Farms & Farm Life
Ernest and Charlene sugaring maple sugar syrup historical sites farms farm life
Category: Farms & Farm Life, People
Church farm farmers historical sites farms farm life
Category: Farms & Farm Life